IFPRI’s projects in Latin America and the Carribbian is committed to producing high quality, evidence-based outputs that contribute to agriculture development, food security, nutrition, and poverty alleviation. In particular, IFPRI’s policy research has produced technical reports, peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, donor reports, impact assessments, briefs, and more.
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Journal Article
Digital marketing of unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children and adolescents: A narrative review
2025Fretes, Gabriela; Veliz, Paula; Narvaez, Ana Maria; Williams, D’Arcy; Sibille, Romain; Arts, Maaike; Leroy, Jef L.
Journal Article
Levelling the field: A review of the ICT revolution and agricultural extension in the Global South
2025Khan, Rashid Parvez; Gupta, Saurabh; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina; Ringler, Claudia
Journal Article
Neonatal mortality risk of vulnerable newborns by fine stratum of gestational age and birthweight for 230 679 live births in nine low- and middle-income countries, 2000-2017.
Baqui, Abdullah H; Saha, Samir K; Ahmed, Salahuddin; Roy, Arunangshu Dutta; Silveira, Mariângela F; Buffarini, Romina; Shapiro, Roger; Zash, Rebecca; Kolsteren, Patrick; Lachat, Carl; Huybregts, Lieven; Roberfroid, Dominique; Zhu, Zhonghai; Zeng, Lingxia; Gebreyesus, Seifu H; Tesfamariam, Kokeb; Adu-Afarwuah, Seth; Dewey, Kathryn G; Gyaase, Stephaney; Poku-Asante, Kwaku; Boamah Kaali, Ellen; Jack, Darby; Ravilla, Thulasiraj; Tielsch, James; Taneja, Sunita; Chowdhury, Ranadip; Ashorn, Per; Maleta, Kenneth; Ashorn, Ulla; Mangani, Charles; Mullany, Luke C; Khatry, Subarna K; Ramokolo, Vundli; Zembe-Mkabile, Wanga; Fawzi, Wafaie W; Wang, Dongqing; Schmiegelow, Christentze; Minja, Daniel; Msemo, Omari Abdul; Lusingu, John P A; Smith, Emily R; Masanja, Honorati; Mongkolchati, Aroonsri; Keentupthai, Paniya; Kakuru, Abel; Kajubi, Richard; Semrau, Katherine; Hamer, Davidson H; Manasyan, Albert; Pry, Jake M; Chasekwa, Bernard; Humphrey, Jean; Black, Robert E
Data Paper
Migration and empowerment: Data from a follow-up survey among a sample of households in western Honduras
2024Ceballos, Francisco; Heckert, Jessica; Hernandez, Manuel A.; Paz, Florencia
Migration Propensity Index Validation Survey, Honduras
2024International Food Policy Research Institute
2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Colombia
2024International Food Policy Research Institute
Data Paper
2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Colombia: A Nexus Project SAM
2024International Food Policy Research Institute; International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Data Paper
2021 Social Accounting Matrix for Guatemala: A Nexus Project SAM
2024International Food Policy Research Institute
Book Chapter
Bioeconomy pathways: Experience from Africa, Asia, and Latin America
2024Glatzel, Katrin; Virchow, Detlef; Nakitto, Aisha Musaazi S.; Niyonsenga, Seraphin; Babu, Suresh Chandra; Srivastava, Nandita; Kashandula, Progress; Ecuru, Julius; Osano, Philip
Book Chapter
Transforming agricultural support for a sustainable future: A Latin America and Caribbean view
2024Laborde Debucquet, David; Olivetti, Elsa B.; Piñeiro, Valeria
Book Chapter
Price volatility, export restrictions and the need for transparency
2024Illescas, Nelson; Masaro, Jimena Vicentin
Book Chapter
Introduction: Creating context and unveiling crucial issues
2024Piñeiro, Martin; Piñeiro, Valeria
Book Chapter
Agriculture negotiations priorities and sustainable development at the WTO
2024Calvo, Facundo
Book Chapter
Shaping multilateral trade: The changing institutional landscape
2024Peralta, Gloria Abraham; Campos Azofeifa, Adriana
Book Chapter
Geopolitical changes and their implications for agricultural trade negotiations
2024Piñeiro, Martin; Piñeiro, Valeria
Navigating the trade landscape: A Latin American perspective building on the WTO 13th ministerial conference
2024Piñeiro, Valeria; Campos Azofeifa, Adriana; Piñeiro, Martin
Book Chapter
Public stockholding programs and the WTO
2024Glauber, Joseph W.
Opinion Piece
Introduction and executive summary for the supplement micronutrients in Latin America: Current state and research
2024Soto-Méndez, María J.; Boy, Erick
Book Chapter
Regional developments [in 2024 Global Food Policy Report]
Pechtl, Sarah; Kishore, Avinash; Nguyen, Phuong; Chen, Kevin Z.; Harris, Jody; Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Piñeiro, Valeria
Working Paper
Institutional challenges to the implementation of nationally determined contributions in Latin America and Caribbean countries: Institutional architecture requirements, issues arising from the examination of NDC updates and lessons learned from capacity development interventions
2024Echebarria, Koldo
2019 Social Accounting Matrix for Colombia
2024International Food Policy Research Institute; Bioversity International
Data Paper
2019 Social Accounting Matrix for Colombia: A Nexus Project SAM
2024International Food Policy Research Institute; Alliance Bioversity International - CIAT
Building food security and resilience through intraregional trade in Latin America and the Caribbean
2024Illescas, Nelson; McNamara, Brian; Piñeiro, Valeria; Rodriguez, Agustín Tejeda
Needs and opportunities for measuring rural women’s empowerment in Guatemala: Possible applications of a Women’s Empowerment Metric for National Statistical Systems (WEMNS)
2024Valiente, Regina; Heckert, Jessica; Paz, Flor; Cabnal, Edwin
Journal Article
COVID-19 and extreme weather: Impacts on food security and migration attitudes in the rural area of Guatemala
2024Ceballos, Francisco; Hernandez, Manuel A.; Paz, Cynthia
Working Paper
COVID-19 and livelihoods in rural Guatemala: Lessons from a long term assessment and the path to recovery
2023Berrospi, Maria Lucia; Ceballos, Francisco; Hernandez, Manuel A.; Paz, Cynthia
Feed the Future Guatemala Value Chains Project: Summary of impact evaluation study
2023Hernandez, Manuel A.; Ceballos, Francisco; Paz, Cynthia; Espinoza, Alvaro
Working Paper
Factores que impulsan la migración de la sierra a la selva en el Perú – Nota conceptual del estudio
2023Hernandez, Manuel A.; Berrospi, Maria Lucia; Juarez, Henry; Pradel, Willy; Navarrete, Corina
La seguridad alimentaria y el comercio agroalimentario en América Latina y el Caribe
2023Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; International Food Policy Research Institute; Piñeiro, Valeria; Illescas, Nelson; Rodriguez, Augustín Tejeda; McNamara, Brian
Replication Data for "COVID-19 and Extreme Weather: Impacts on Food Security and Migration Attitudes in the Rural Area of Guatemala"
2023International Food Policy Research Institute
CACCI country profile Brazil
2023International Food Policy Research Institute
CACCI country profile Ecuador
2023International Food Policy Research Institute
CACCI country profile Peru
2023International Food Policy Research Institute
Book Chapter
Government response to ultra-processed and sugar beverages industries in developing nations: The need to build coalitions across policy sectors
2023Gómez, Eduardo J.
Climatic stresses and rural emigration in Guatemala
2023Britos, Braulio; Hernandez, Manuel A.; Puricelli, Estefania; Sahajpal, Ritvik
Journal Article
Aspirations, risk preferences, and investments in agricultural technologies
2023Villacis, Alexis H.; Bloem, Jeffrey R.; Mishra, Ashok K.
Journal Article
Structuring the complexity of integrated landscape approaches into selectable, scalable, and measurable attributes
Kleinschroth, Fritz
CACCI country profile Colombia
2023International Food Policy Research Institute
Book Chapter
Can agricultural exports from Southern Cone countries make up for global supply disruptions arising from the Russia-Ukraine war?
2023Glauber, Joseph W.; Laborde Debucquet, David; Piñeiro, Valeria; Tejeda, Agustín
Journal Article
Assessing the impacts of climate change on women's poverty: A Bolivian case study
2023Escalante, Luis Enrique; Maisonnave, Helene
Journal Article
Cultural and economic barriers and opportunities for the participation of women in agricultural production systems: A case study in Guatemala
2023Hernandez, Manuel A.; Alarcón, Constanza; Berrospi, Maria Lucia; Lopera, Diana Carolina; Quintero, Diana; Reyes, Byron A.; Olivet, Francisco
Unlocking innovation: Assessing the role of Agricultural R&D in Latin America and the Caribbean
2023Nin-Pratt, Alejandro; Stads, Gert-Jan; de los Santos, Luis; Muñoz, Gonzalo
Measuring changes in Guatemala’s agri-food system
2023International Food Policy Research Institute; Xinshen Diao; Pauw, Karl; Randriamamonjy, Josée; Thurlow, James
Journal Article
Changes in children’s and adolescents’ dietary intake after the implementation of Chile’s law of food labeling, advertising and sales in schools: A longitudinal study
2023Fretes, Gabriela; Corvalán, Camila; Reyes, Marcela; Taillie, Lindsey Smith; Economos, Christina D.; Wilson, Norbert L.W.; Cash, Sean B.
Journal Article
The unintended consequences of confinement: Evidence from the rural area in Guatemala
2023Castillo, Jose Gabriel; Hernandez, Manuel A.
Book Chapter
Illusions and disillusions with poverty reduction strategies: Growth, crisis and the MDGs in Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua
2023Vos, Rob
Journal Article
Quality of vital event data for infant mortality estimation in prospective, population-based studies: an analysis of secondary data from Asia, Africa, and Latin America
2023Erchick, Daniel J.; Subedi, Seema; Verhulst, Andrea; Guillot, Michel; Adair, Linda S.; Barros, Aluísio J. D.; Huybregts, Lieven
Bolivia: Agricultural R&D indicators factsheet
2023Stads, Gert-Jan; de los Santos, Luis
Nicaragua: Agricultural R&D indicators factsheet
2023Stads, Gert-Jan; de los Santos, Luis
COVID-19 study in rural areas of Guatemala: Long-term impacts on food security and nutrition in the Western Highlands
2022Hernandez, Manuel A.; Ceballos, Francisco; Paz, Cynthia; Berrospi, Maria Lucia
Journal Article
Pollinator deficits, food consumption, and consequences for human health: A modeling study
2022Smith, Matthew R.; Mueller, Nathaniel D.; Springmann, Marco; Sulser, Timothy B.; Garibaldi, Lucas A.; Gerber, James S.; Wiebe, Keith D.; Myers, Samuel S.
Biodiversity and resilience interventions: Analysis of interviews with farmers in Brazil
2022Kuncz, Adina; Ferez, Ana Paul Cervi; Cézar, Adelaine; Brancalion, Pedro; Zhang, Wei
Peru: Agricultural R&D indicators factsheet
2022Stads, Gert-Jan; de los Santos, Luis
Ecuador: Agricultural R&D indicators factsheet
2022Stads, Gert-Jan; de los Santos, Luis
Guatemala: Agricultural R&D indicators factsheet
2022Stads, Gert-Jan; de los Santos, Luis
Journal Article
Agricultural commercialization and nutrition: Evidence from smallholder coffee farmers
2022Van Asselt, Joanna; Useche, Pilar
Working Paper
Honduras: The impact of COVID-19 and other shocks, and policy implications: Final report
2022Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Flores, Luis; Piñeiro, Valeria; Centurión, Miriam
Working Paper
Guatemala: The impact of covid-19 and other shocks, and policy implications: Final report
2022Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Flores, Luis; Piñeiro, Valeria; Centurión, Miriam
Working Paper
COVID-19 and extreme weather: Impacts on food security and migration attitudes in rural Guatemala
2022Ceballos, Francisco; Hernandez, Manuel A.; Paz, Cynthia
Historical analysis of governance at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
2022Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Centurion, Miriam; Bisogno, Marcelo
Working Paper
Improving livelihoods and reducing outmigration from the Northern Triangle in Central America: The potential role of cash transfers in expanded social safety nets
2022Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Centurión, Miriam
Book Chapter
Regional developments [in 2022 Global Food Policy Report]
Djumaboev, Kahramon; Romashkin, Roman; Mukherji, Aditi; Kishore, Avinash; Rashid, Shahidur; Chen, Kevin Z.; Zhan, Yue; Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Navarrete-Frias, Carolina; Piñeiro, Valeria
Book Chapter
Short-term impacts of COVID-19 in rural Guatemala: Call for a closer, continuous look at the food security and nutritional patterns of vulnerable families
2022Ceballos, Francisco; Hernandez, Manuel A.; Paz, Cynthia
Working Paper
Conditional cash transfers and high school attainment: Evidence from a large-scale program in the Dominican Republic
2022Hernandez, Manuel A.; Pellerano, Jose A.; Sanchez, Gonzalo E.
Journal Article
Land market distortions and aggregate agricultural productivity: Evidence from Guatemala
2022Britos, Braulio; Hernandez, Manuel A.; Robles, Miguel; Trupkin, Danilo R.
Working Paper
Women’s tenure security on collective lands: A conceptual framework
2021Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.; Doss, C.; Flintan, Fiona E.; Knight, R.; Larson, A.M.; Monterroso, I.
Working Paper
Can input access and market-based incentives reduce food loss? The case of bean farmers in Guatemala and Honduras
2021Delgado, Luciana; Nakasone, Eduardo; Torero, Máximo
Impacts of market-based contractual arrangements with farmers in Guatemala and Honduras
2021Delgado, Luciana; Nakasone, Eduardo; Torero, Máximo
Working Paper
Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on the coffee value chain in Guatemala: Evidence from coffee growers in the Midwest and East
2021Hernandez, Manuel A.; Ceballos, Francisco; Paz, Cynthia; Berrospi, Maria Lucia
Book Chapter
Latin America and the Caribbean: Food systems in times of the pandemic
2021Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Piñeiro, Valeria; Laborde Debucquet, David
The road to the WTO twelfth Ministerial Conference: A Latin American and Caribbean perspective
2021Piñeiro, Valeria; Campos, Adriana; Piñeiro, Martín
Book Chapter
Are Plurilaterals a promising trade liberalization modality?
2021Bouët, Antoine; Laborde Debucquet, David
Book Chapter
Some thoughts and proposals for a way forward
2021Campos, Adriana; Piñeiro, Valeria; Piñeiro, Martín
Book Chapter
Introduction [in The road to the WTO twelfth Ministerial Conference: A Latin American and Caribbean perspective]
2021Campos, Adriana; Piñeiro, Valeria; Piñeiro, Martín
Book Chapter
Market access
2021Perini, Sofía C.; Tejeda Rodríguez, Agustín; Morales Opazo, Cristian; Weber, Regine; Miranda, Silvia Helena Galvao de
Book Chapter
New disciplines for domestic support
2021Glauber, Joseph W.; Laborde Debucquet, David; Piñeiro, Valeria
Book Chapter
WTO dispute settlement cases involving Latin American countries and the agreement on agriculture, 1995-2019
2021Gonzalez, Anàbel; Glauber, Joseph W.
Book Chapter
Food products, the WTO dispute settlement system and trade remedies
2021Bianchi, Eduardo
Book Chapter
Promoting transparency on agricultural policies at the WTO: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean
2021Vargas, Adriana García
Book Chapter
Public stockholdings, special safeguard mechanism and state trading enterprises: What’s food security got to do with them?
2021Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio
Book Chapter
MIRAGRODEP, an analytical model adapted to economic and trade reforms
2021Bouët, Antoine; Laborde Debucquet, David; Piñeiro, Valeria
Book Chapter
Impacts of agricultural producer support on climate and nutrition outcomes with special emphasis on Latin America and the Caribbean
2021Glauber, Joseph W.; Laborde Debucquet, David; Piñeiro, Valeria
Book Chapter
Measures taken in the context of the Covid-19 and discussed at the WTO Committee on agriculture
2021Campos, Adriana
Book Chapter
Restrictions and export duties: A pending issue
2021Illescas, Nelson; Jorge, Nicolás
Book Chapter
Harmonization of sustainability standards under the WTO framework as the core to create an intersection of trade and environment mutually supportive
2021Papendieck, Sabine; Elverdin, Pablo
Food systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges in a post-pandemic world
2021Graziano da Silva, Silva; Jales, Mario; Rapallo, Ricardo; Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Girardi, Guido; del Grossi, Mauro
Journal Article
Quiet Revolution by SMEs in the midstream of value chains in developing regions: Wholesale markets, wholesalers, logistics, and processing
2021Reardon, Thomas; Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda O.; Minten, Bart
Strengthening smallholder producers’ skills and market access: Productive alliance programme in Chile
2021Castillo, Mayarí; Cazzuffi, Chiara; Chamorro, Catalina; Pérez-Silva, Rodrigo; Sandoval, Diego; Sepúlveda, Macarena; Gilbert, Rachel; Davis, Kristin E.
Working Paper
La transformación de los sistemas alimentarios de América Latina y el Caribe en el contexto de la agenda 2030 y de la crisis del COVID 19 reflexiones institucionales y de políticas públicas
2021Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Furche, Carlos
Working Paper
Honduras: The impact of COVID-19 and implications: Second report
2021Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Flores, Luis; Paz, Flor; Piñeiro, Valeria; Zandstra, Tamsin
Working Paper
Guatemala: The impact of COVID-19 and implications: Second report
2021Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Flores, Luis; Paz, Flor; Piñeiro, Valeria; Zandstra, Tamsin
Investing in rural households through community promoters: The Haku Wiñay/noa jayatai programme in Peru
2021Salcedo du Bois, Rodrigo; Arca Zimmermann, Alexandra; Davis, Kristin E.; Gilbert, Rachel; Gammelgaard, Johanna; Ngwenya, Hlami
Working Paper
An approach to the design of financial instruments for food system projects
2021Rogozinski, Jacques; Moncada, Nelly Ramírez
Journal Article
Short‐term impacts of COVID‐19 on food security and nutrition in rural Guatemala: Phone‐based farm household survey evidence
2021Ceballos, Francisco; Hernandez, Manuel A.; Paz, Cynthia
Journal Article
International comparison of extension agent objectives and construction of a typology
2021Landini, Fernando; Turner, James A.; Davis, Kristin E.; Percy, Helen; Van Niekerk, Johan
Journal Article
On the origins of food loss
2021Delgado, Luciana; Schuster, Monica; Torero, Máximo
Working Paper
Guatemala: The impact of COVID-19 and preliminary implications: Interim report
2021Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Laborde Debucquet, David; Piñeiro, Valeria
Working Paper
Honduras: The impact of COVID-19 and preliminary implications: Interim report
2021Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Piñeiro, Valeria; Laborde Debucquet, David
Show me what you eat: Assessing diets remotely through pictures
2021Ceballos, Francisco; Hernandez, Manuel A.
Journal Article
Climate adaptation and conservation agriculture among Peruvian farmers
2021Tambet, Heleene; Stopnitzky, Yaniv
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